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Marketing · 

7 minutes

Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Strategies, Benefits, and Examples

Cormac O'SullivanPiggy

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the value of word-of-mouth marketing remains consistently high. Recommendations from friends and family members have a strong impact on what consumers buy. This is true whether the advice is given in person or on social media. This article explores word-of-mouth marketing.

We'll discuss its benefits and how to use it to promote your brand or product.

We'll also provide proven strategies to help generate a buzz around your brand.

What is Word-of-Mouth Marketing?

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) is the process of leveraging customers' recommendations and experiences to promote a product or service. It is an organic and effective form of marketing, relying on the power of personal connections and genuine, unsolicited feedback.

What is Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM)?

Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is the digital counterpart of traditional word-of-mouth marketing. This includes online reviews, social media shares, blog posts and other digital channels. Customers can use these to share their experiences and opinions with a wider audience.

How Effective is Word of Mouth Marketing? Statistics & Benefits

Research has shown that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over any other form of advertising. Additionally, 74% of consumers identify word of mouth as a key influencer in their purchasing decisions.

Word-of-mouth marketing can offer immense benefits. These include increased brand loyalty, social proof and higher conversion rates. Statistics showcase the effectiveness of such strategies.

Word-of-mouth marketing can offer immense benefits. These include increased brand loyalty, social proof, and higher conversion rates.

Word-of-mouth marketing offers immense benefits. These include increased brand loyalty, social proof, and higher conversion rates. Statistics demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.

These statistics showcase the immense benefits of word-of-mouth marketing. Increased brand loyalty, social proof, and higher conversion rates to name a few.

15 Word-of-Mouth Marketing Statistics

Creating a Strategy: 11 Ways to Improve Word-of-Mouth Marketing

To harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing, follow these proven word-of-mouth marketing strategies:

1. Create an experience worth spreading the word about

Provide outstanding customer service, top-notch products, or unforgettable experiences. This will leave a lasting impression, prompting customers to spread their stories.

2. Send products for free

Give influencers or potential customers free products or a trial period. This may encourage them to recommend your product or service to their network.

3. Solve problems for people

Become a go-to resource by providing valuable information and solutions to customers' problems, thereby fostering trust and long-term relationships.

4. Shine with storytelling

Craft engaging narratives around your brand, product, or service, making it easy for customers to relate and share their experiences.

5. Start the conversation

Encourage conversations about your brand. Initiate them online or offline. You could host events or use word-of-mouth marketing campaigns.

6. User-generated content

Encourage customers to share their photos, videos, or reviews on social media. This will promote user-generated content (UGC). It will also create a sense of community and authenticity.

7. Use and encourage social proof: reviews, testimonials, case studies

Include customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies on your website and marketing materials. This will provide potential customers with real-life examples of how your product or service works.

8. Encourage & reward referrals

Implement referral programs that motivate customers to recommend your brand to friends and family, boosting your network and attracting new customers.

9. Be unique

Identify a USP for your brand or product that will make it stand out from competitors. This will create a long-term impact on customers.

10. Acknowledge negative word-of-mouth

Address negative feedback or complaints promptly and professionally, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

11. Display positive word-of-mouth

Highlight positive customer experiences on your website, marketing materials, and social media. Include customer stories, proof, and endorsements. Showcase the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing Examples

1. Dropbox's Referral Program

Dropbox, a cloud storage service, utilized a referral program to drive exponential growth. Dropbox offered extra storage space to both the referrer and the referred. This encouraged users to share the platform with friends and family.

This approach not only increased sign-ups but also enhanced the sense of community and loyalty among its user base. Dropbox's referral program led to a 60% increase in sign-ups, with 35% of its daily sign-ups coming from referrals.

2. Tesla's Customer Referral Program

Tesla, the electric vehicle manufacturer, has effectively leveraged word-of-mouth marketing through its customer referral program. Tesla offers rewards to existing customers, such as charging credits and exclusive event invitations.

This encourages customers to refer their friends and family, resulting in more sales and higher brand loyalty. Tesla's referral program has been successful in generating buzz and driving sales through the power of personal recommendations.

3. Apple's Product Launches and Influential Marketing Campaigns

Apple has consistently managed to create a loyal customer base through its innovative product launches and influential marketing campaigns. With a focus on sleek design, cutting-edge technology, and user experience, Apple's products generate excitement and hype among consumers.

Apple has used storytelling and emotion in its marketing campaigns, such as the iconic "Think Different" and "Get a Mac" ads. This has created a strong connection between the company and its audience. This approach has led to a loyal following and consistent word-of-mouth marketing.

4. Glossier's User-Generated Content and Community-Driven Approach

Glossier is a beauty and skincare brand that has gained a strong presence through word of mouth. This is due to their community-driven approach and focus on user-generated content (UGC).

Glossier has encouraged customers to share their experiences and product reviews on social media. This has created a feeling of authenticity and relatability.

Glossier's marketing strategy also involves working closely with influencers and content creators, amplifying the reach and impact of its products. This approach has helped Glossier build a loyal customer base and drive growth through the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

5. Airbnb's Unique Experiences and Storytelling

Airbnb has harnessed the power of word-of-mouth marketing through its focus on unique experiences and compelling storytelling. By offering a diverse range of stays and localized experiences, Airbnb has differentiated itself from traditional hotels and travel agencies.

Airbnb also leverages user-generated content, encouraging hosts and guests to share their stories and experiences on social media. This approach has helped Airbnb generate buzz and create stronger awareness, resulting in rapid growth and a loyal user base.

The 7 Types of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

1. Buzz marketing

Buzz marketing focuses on stirring up enthusiasm and curiosity about a product or service. It often uses viral marketing strategies or collaborations with influential people and organizations.

2. Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategy that involves creating valuable content. This content is shared with a specific audience to engage them and increase brand awareness. It also encourages word-of-mouth recommendations.

3. Referral marketing

Referral marketing encourages customers to share their positive experiences with friends and family. Referral programs are often set up to reward both the referrer and the referee.

4. Partner programs

Partner programs involve collaborating with other businesses, influencers, or affiliates to promote a product or service. This technique focuses on leveraging the power of existing networks and relationships.

5. Influencer & brand ambassador marketing

Influencer and brand ambassador marketing involves partnering with individuals who have a strong online presence or credibility within a specific industry. It allows brands to tap into their audience and benefit from their endorsement.

6. Customer reviews and testimonials

By showcasing authentic customer reviews and testimonials, businesses can provide social proof and encourage word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied customers.

7. User-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) encourages customers to create and share their own content about a brand, product, or service. User-generated content is an authentic and engaging form of word-of-mouth marketing.


Word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful and effective way to build trust, increase brand loyalty, and boost sales. By employing a strategy that combines traditional and electronic channels, you can harness the power of customer recommendations and social proof.

Choose from buzz marketing, content marketing, or user-generated content. No matter the route you take, choose a strategy that fits your brand and puts it center stage. Don't underestimate the value of a genuine recommendation—start leveraging the power of word-of-mouth marketing today.

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