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Employee engagement · 

6 minutes

Cormac O'SullivanPiggy

Employee Experience: How it Works & How to Improve it

What is Employee Experience?

Employee experience is how employees feel about their work life. It's about their thoughts and emotions when they interact with a company. This starts from the moment of the application, through the employee's journey with the company, and even after they leave.

A positive employee experience is crucial because it can lead to increased employee engagement, better productivity, and higher employee retention rates.

Understanding the importance of employee experience means taking a closer look at its components and finding ways to improve them. By investing in strategies that contribute to these components, organizations can make employees feel valued and committed to the company's success.

Components of Employee Experience

Type of Work

The type of work that an employee does plays a significant role in their experience. When employees are engaged in work that interests and challenges them, they are more likely to be satisfied and motivated. Employers should strive to provide meaningful tasks and projects that align with employees' skills and interests. This leads to a more positive experience and increased job satisfaction.

Physical and Work Environment

A comfortable, safe, and well-designed work environment can greatly impact an employee's overall experience. Companies should pay attention to the office layout, temperature, noise levels, and ergonomic furniture. Although seemingly small, these factors can affect an employee's comfort and productivity.

Providing a clean, functional, and aesthetically pleasing workplace can help employees feel more at ease and focused on their tasks.

Work Colleagues

Positive relationships with colleagues are essential for creating a healthy work environment. A supportive and collaborative atmosphere fosters employee well-being, productivity, and engagement. Encouraging team-building activities, open communication, and conflict resolution can help strengthen bonds between coworkers and improve the overall work experience.

Company Culture

A strong company culture, rooted in shared values and goals, has a significant impact on employee experience. A clear mission and vision can drive engagement and help employees feel connected to the organization. Companies should work to create a workplace culture that promotes transparency, inclusivity, and recognition. These elements can contribute to a more positive and fulfilling employee experience.

Time and Working Hours

Flexible working hours and a healthy work-life balance are crucial components of a positive employee experience. Offering options such as remote work or flexible scheduling can reduce stress and improve job satisfaction. Appreciating personal needs and the value of a balanced lifestyle creates an environment where employees feel valued and respected.

20 Statistics that Illustrate Why Employee Experience is Important

  • Companies with highly engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147% in earnings per share.

  • Employee disengagement costs the U.S. economy up to $550 billion annually.

  • 96% of employees believe showing empathy is essential to retaining top talent.

  • 78% of employees would stay with their current employer if offered career development opportunities.

  • 57% of employees who feel recognized are less likely to quit their jobs.

  • 85% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged at work.

  • Engaged employees are 17% more productive than their peers.

  • Organizations with highly engaged employees see a 41% reduction in absenteeism.

  • 84% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact their company's success.

  • Companies with highly engaged employees have 40% lower employee turnover rates.

  • 89% of employees believe that a strong company culture is important for their job satisfaction.

  • 70% of employees feel more engaged when their managers provide regular feedback.

  • Companies that invest in employee experience are four times more profitable than those that don't.

  • A positive employee experience can lead to a 17% increase in employee engagement.

  • 72% of employees are more likely to recommend their employer to others if they have a positive employee experience.

  • Companies with a strong company culture experience 72% higher employee engagement levels.

  • Employee experience-focused companies see a 28% increase in the quality of work produced.

  • Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work.

  • A 10% improvement in employee commitment can lead to a 6% increase in productivity.

  • Investing in employee experience can result in a 22% increase in customer satisfaction.

Strategies to Improve Your Employee Experience

Use Tools like Engagement Platforms or Rewards Programs

Investing in employee engagement platforms or rewards programs can help employees feel recognized and valued for their hard work. These tools can foster a sense of appreciation and satisfaction, leading to increased motivation and a better overall experience. Many engagement platforms are available to help companies create a culture of recognition and rewards. These tools can also help with performance management on a more day to day basis.

Conduct Thorough Candidate Interviews

Hiring the right employees is essential for maintaining a positive work environment. By ensuring new hires are a good fit, organizations can promote better working relationships and employee experiences. A thorough interview process, including behavioral assessments, can help identify candidates who will thrive in the company. This carries through to setting the right principles during the onboarding experience.

Regular & Open Communication

Promoting open communication and actively listening to employees is employee experience strategy. Foster a sense of belonging and investment in the organization. Sharing company news, involving employees in decision-making, and providing regular feedback can all make significant differences to engagement levels. Utilizing internal communication tools can facilitate these conversations and ensure everyone is informed and engaged.

Development and Goal Setting

Providing employees with opportunities for professional growth and encouraging them boosts motivation and job satisfaction. Offering training programs, workshops, or mentorship opportunities can help employees develop new skills and advance their careers. A supportive environment where employees are encouraged to learn and grow can contribute to a more positive work experience.

It's important to do this with both a long and short term perspective. That way, it's a more integral part of your employees' day to day lives.

Implementation of Employee Feedback

Ensuring that both management and your human resources department collect employee feedback is essential. What's more important is that they implement it to make improvements that impact the overall work experience.

By conducting employee experience surveys or focus groups, companies can identify areas in need of improvement and implement necessary changes. Actively seeking and incorporating employee feedback demonstrates that the organization values their opinions and is committed to enhancing the workplace experience.

Create a Positive Work Environment

Cultivating a positive work environment that promotes teamwork, collaboration, and inclusivity can improve the overall employee experience. Encouraging employees to relax and recharge can contribute to their well-being and productivity. By fostering a supportive and positive atmosphere, companies can ensure that employees feel satisfied and engaged in their work.

Give Clear Growth Paths

Establishing clear growth paths for employees and outlining career progression opportunities within the organization can increase motivation and job satisfaction. Providing employees with opportunities for advancement and communicating the steps they need to take to progress will boost their intrinsic motivation. Tying their personal goals into your company's goals is part of the art of management.


In conclusion, a positive employee experience is essential for a company's success, as it directly impacts employee engagement, productivity, and retention. By focusing on the various components of employee experience, organizations can cultivate a workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and committed. These include things like the type of work, the work environment, relationships with colleagues, and company culture.

Business leaders who invest in strategies that enhance employee experience will not only foster a more positive work environment, but will also benefit from the increased performance and commitment of their employees. By implementing the strategies and tips outlined in this article, companies can significantly improve the overall employee experience.

Ultimately, a company that invests in the well-being and satisfaction of its employees will reap the benefits of a more engaged, productive, and loyal workforce. By prioritizing a great employee experience and implementing strategies to enhance it, organizations can position themselves for continued growth and success in today's competitive business landscape.

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