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Customer loyalty · 

5 minutes

Cormac O'SullivanPiggy

Exploring the Apostle Model for Boosting Customer Loyalty

A high customer retention rate isn't enough. The game has changed and the focus has shifted towards building true customer loyalty among existing customers. One loyalty model that stands at the forefront of this transformation is the Apostle Model of Customer Loyalty. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the concepts of customer loyalty and satisfaction, and how the Apostle Model plays a pivotal role in transforming your satisfied customers into loyal apostles.

What is Customer Loyalty? A Definition

Customer loyalty refers to a customer's willingness to continue patronizing a business over the long term, preferably on a repeat and ideally exclusive basis, and recommending the business to friends and associates. It extends beyond mere repeat business. Loyal customers feel a strong, emotional connection to your brand. They're not just satisfied — they're thrilled, and they're ready to tell the world about it.

What is Customer Satisfaction? A Definition

Customer satisfaction measures how well a product or service experience meets customer expectations. It's the degree to which a customer feels happy with their purchase. While a necessary metric, it is no longer the sole driver of customer loyalty in today's digital age.

What is the Apostle Model of Customer Loyalty?

The Apostle Model, a term coined by Jones and Sasser, revolutionizes the way businesses approach customer loyalty. The model identifies four categories of customers based on their satisfaction levels and their likelihood of spreading positive WOM (Word-of-Mouth) about the business.

The 'Apostles'

These are the ideal customers every business strives for. Highly satisfied and loyal, they are the greatest advocates for a brand, enthusiastically recommending it to others. Not only do they drive new customer acquisition through their referrals, but they are also less price sensitive and more forgiving of occasional hiccups in service or product quality.


While these customers are highly satisfied, they are not truly loyal. They are the customers who may jump ship when offered a lower price or a shinier reward elsewhere. Despite their satisfaction with your product or service, they pose a risk due to their lack of loyalty.


These customers are neither satisfied nor loyal, yet they continue to stick with your brand out of habit or lack of alternatives. They pose a real danger as they can quickly turn into 'terrorists' once they find an alternative.


The most dangerous customers are those who are dissatisfied and actively disseminate negative WOM. They are the exact opposite of 'apostles' and can cause significant damage to a company's reputation.

The Apostle Model of customer loyalty underscores the crucial fact that customer satisfaction doesn't necessarily lead to customer loyalty. There is a satisfaction-loyalty link, but it's not as straightforward as traditionally believed.

While customer satisfaction is undoubtedly essential, it alone does not guarantee loyalty. The apostle model highlights this nuanced difference, helping businesses realize the value of truly loyal customers over merely satisfied ones.

The Flawed Assumption of 'Satisfaction Equals Loyalty'

Many businesses erroneously equate high customer satisfaction with high customer loyalty. The Apostle Model contradicts this assumption, pointing out the existence of 'Mercenaries'. These customers, despite being satisfied, are not genuinely loyal, revealing a flaw in the satisfaction-equals-loyalty hypothesis.

The Role of Emotional Connection

Loyal customers, or Apostles, feel a strong emotional connection to the brand. They share the company's values and feel a sense of personal investment in the brand's success. This emotional connection goes beyond simple satisfaction with the product or service and is a key driver of loyalty.

Customer Experience: A Key to Loyalty

While satisfaction often revolves around the product or service, loyalty is more associated with the overall customer experience. Factors like customer service, brand image, and personalization play a significant role in creating loyal customers.

The Importance of Trust

Trust is another critical factor influencing the satisfaction-loyalty link. Customers may be satisfied with the product or service, but if they don't trust the brand, they are unlikely to become loyal apostles.

Beyond Satisfaction: The Journey to Loyalty

Turning satisfied customers into loyal ones requires a journey that goes beyond the product or service. It involves building an emotional connection, delivering exceptional customer experiences, instilling trust, and continually engaging the customer even post-purchase.

How Competition Affects the Satisfaction-Loyalty Dynamic

With increasing competition in the marketplace, the satisfaction-loyalty dynamic has become even more complex. Customers have more choices than ever before, leading to higher expectations and a lower threshold for dissatisfaction.

Ease of Switching

In highly competitive markets, the ease of switching to a competitor can lead to satisfied customers becoming 'Mercenaries.' They might be perfectly satisfied with your product, but if a competitor offers a comparable product at a lower price or with more features, they might switch without a second thought.

Demand for Exceptional Experiences

In today's digital age, customers expect more than just a good product or service; they demand exceptional experiences. Competition has raised the bar for customer experience, necessitating companies to go above and beyond to create loyal apostles.

The Threat of Negative WOM

The threat of negative Word-of-Mouth (WOM) is magnified in a competitive environment. Disgruntled customers ('Terrorists') can quickly disseminate their dissatisfaction through social media and online reviews, influencing potential customers and affecting your business's reputation.

Value Proposition and Differentiation

In a saturated market, your unique value proposition and differentiation become crucial in driving customer loyalty. It's not just about satisfying your customers anymore, but about providing them with something they can't get elsewhere.

Building Loyalty Amidst Competition

Building loyalty in a competitive market requires a thorough understanding of your customers' needs and expectations. Regularly gathering customer feedback, acting on it, personalizing interactions, and creating emotionally engaging experiences can help you win customer loyalty even amidst stiff competition.


Building a loyal customer base is no longer just about providing a satisfactory product or service. The Apostle Model of Customer Loyalty underscores the crucial difference between satisfaction and loyalty. It emphasizes that true customer loyalty, embodied by Apostles, involves emotional connections, exceptional customer experiences, and trust.

In the face of increasing competition, businesses must strive not just to satisfy, but to delight their customers, and transform them into loyal brand advocates. By understanding the nuances of the satisfaction-loyalty link and the dynamics of competition, businesses can create a powerful customer loyalty strategy that drives sustained growth and profitability.

In the end, it's not just about acquiring new customers but converting them into apostles for your brand. After all, there's no advertising more powerful than a loyal customer spreading the word about your business.

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